esf Val Thorens ski instructors
Our 300 multilingual ski instructors are waiting to help you discover or rediscover the pleasures of the slopes.
For them, it's a story of passion for the mountains and sharing their passion with others. They'll do their utmost to create unforgettable memories.
Snowboard courses in groups or private ski lessons, for children or adults, they'll be happy to accompany you as you discover the wonderful landscapes of the Vallée des Belleville or the 3 Vallées.
Disciplines: skiing, snowboarding, handiski, off-piste, ski touring, competition courses, team rider and much more.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
See you soon at Val Thorens,
For them, it's a story of passion for the mountains and sharing their passion with others. They'll do their utmost to create unforgettable memories.
Snowboard courses in groups or private ski lessons, for children or adults, they'll be happy to accompany you as you discover the wonderful landscapes of the Vallée des Belleville or the 3 Vallées.
Disciplines: skiing, snowboarding, handiski, off-piste, ski touring, competition courses, team rider and much more.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
See you soon at Val Thorens,

259 instructors found
Gilles Albuge
Hugo Allaeys
Christophe Audric
Tom Aupretre
Chantal Aurard
Corentin Aurard
Herve Aurard
Leon Aurard
Lilian Aurard
Patrick Babin
Baptiste Bantin
Lou Barin
Tom Barnoin
Claude Basson
Marie-laure Bauchet
Adrien Bellot-mauroz
Ghislain Bernard
Marcellin Bernard
Nicolas Bernard
Sebastien Bernard
Chloe Bernier
Begnat Berriex
Kevin Berthon
Patrick Berthon
Patrick Besson
Xavier Betz
Kim Bollier
Arthur Bondier
Johan Bonichon
Guillaume Bonnefoy
Sylvain Bony
Justin Bouchard
Yoann Bourbon
Nathalie Bourgeois
Amelie Bournay
Pierre Bournay
Hassen Boussouira
Tiernan Bridges
Elodie Buffard
Marion Buffet
Xavier Buffet
Yves Burroni
Michel Cachia
Remi Calvet
Joel Certano
Frederic Chabert
Jean-pierre Chapus
Valentine Charpin
Marion Chenu
Emilien Chomaz
Jean pierre Clerc
Samuel Clerc
Christophe Cluzel
Joey Cluzel
Adrien Coffy
Damien Collomb-paton
Jean yves Collombier
Karine Colombier
Laurent Conrad
Clara Crouzat
Jean-luc Crouzat
Elisa Crouzet
Omar Cucciniello
David Dalavat
Julien Daugas
Anais Daurat
Francois Daurau
Kalyan De gale
Albert Del fabro
Thibaut Delannoy
Alexandre Deluz
Laura Derobert
Bernard Deves
Annie Diet
Antoine Diet
Delphine Diet
Joel Diet
Dominique Dreyfuss
Joffrey Drillon
Boggart Drouart
Lola Drouart
Alain Dumarais
Aurelien Dunand
Marc Durrenbach
Gerard Dusserre
Nell Duvillard
Nicolas Eymond-daru
Laure loren Faivre
Etienne Farcot
Axelle Ferron
Felix Fier
Francois-xavier Fonfrede
Mickael Forest
Francis Forot
Lorie Fosse
Oscar Freydrich
Pierre Freydrich
Victor Freydrich
Nathan Fricout
Vincent Fritsch
Isabelle Froidefond
Hiroyuki Fukuchi
Jonathan Galavielle
Max Genuyt
Denis Gerber
Thierry Gigi
Philippe Gilquin
Bastien Girard
Yann Girard
Maxime Giraud
Valerian Gitton
Carine Glikman
Alexis Glize
Eric Godard
Gaetan Gorini
Robin Gorini
Florent Goujet
Manon Grand clement
Caroline Grand-vincent
Anais Grange
Jean pierre Granier
Charlotte Gray
Nathan Gray
Eliott Grolier
Fernand Guillon
Lou Guillon
Vincent Guillon
Kevin Guri
Frantz Hedrich
Gregor Hedrich
Francois xavier Helar
Jules Heude
Anne marie Houot
Claude Isnard
Nicolas Jacob
Thibaut Jacquinod
Vincent Jilcot
Alexandre Jolly
Marine Jorly defawes
Lou Kauffmann
Jean Kempf
Brice Labertrande
Lucie Labertrande
Sarah Labertrande
Benoit Lajournade
Marlon Lamaison
Vincent Lamaison
Gary Lathoud
Pierre Laurent
Baptiste Lavorel
Pierrick Le dosseur
Arthur Le pors-ebner
Nathan Magnan
Thomas Magnan
Fadel Mahmood
Michel Maiffredy
Nicolas Margueret
Francois Mariotti
Marie Marsaa
Philippe Marsaa
Gilles Marsura
Lola Martinez
Gael Melet
Arnaud Meynet
Laurent Michaud
Venusia Michel
Alexandre Mingard
Antoine Moga
Gerald Mollard
Anna Monaci
Andrea Monier
Chloe Monier
Lou Moretti
Sacha Moretti
Paul Moucheraud
Lucie Mougnard-chetot
William Munday
Fulvio Musumeci
Gaelle Nachon
Simon Nenin
Yann Nicol
Pierre Nicolaeff
Laurent Padovani
Fabienne Pandier
Adrien Panza
Nathan Paqueton
Tao Paquis
Giacomo Para
Gabin Pellissier
Jean-paul Pellissier
Zelie Pellissier
Boris Perelli
Herve Perret
Thomas Perruchot
Sebastien Petit
Marie Pieronne
Jimmy Pierre
Guillaume Pinier
Fabrice Plaisance
Pierre Plumas
Loic Pons
Xavier Porini
Alain Pyard
Flavien Pyard
Paola Pyard
Caroline Renet
Marjorie Rey
Pascal Ribiollet
Emilie Richard
Alexandre Ricou
Hugo Rivail
Meline Rivail
Florian Rivas
Antonin Rivet
Eilian Riviere
Cassandre Roch
Emeline Roch
Emma Roch
Francois Roch
Thomas Rochut
Pierre-alric Rouch
Sandy Roulet
Swan Rouve
Juliette Roux-mollard
Regine Sadous
Alexia Saelen
Julien Salles
Lucas Sartore
Francoise Saulenc
Sandrine Schaub
Frederic Silva
Soren Soendergaard
Nicolas Sogne
Louis Spettel
Stephane Spettel
Carla Stefani
Antoine Tatu
Daniel Tatu
Fabienne Theaux
Jean Theaux
Timothee Theaux
Armand Tiberghien
Catherine Tiberghien
Jean noel Tiberi
Christophe Timotei
Marie Tournier
Marine Tripier mondancin
Fiona Troche
Bernard Tschofen
Michel Van de vyver
Christian Van stappen
Elisa Van stappen
Paul-elie Vandoorne
Ludovic Vidonne
Nathan Vierne
Elodie Voiron
Francois Wenger
Thierry Wenger
Matteo Zafra